In the streets of an ancient city, a young beggar emerges as...The 13th Apostle!
The year is 33 A.D. Amid the political unrest of ancient Jerusalem, a young street beggar becomes a voice for truth in his community. Schooled in Judaism by a kindly old baker, Gamaliel embraces the teachings of Jesus. He wins his opponents over with his uncanny knack of applying Jesus' parables to everyday life. Emotions run high when Gamaliel learns of the Pharisees' plot against Jesus and he desperately tries to warn Him of the impending danger. Intrigue, suspense, and miracles abound as Gamaliel pursues his mission.
"The 13th Apostle is a jewel that sparkles with love and grace. Gamaliel is each one of us who has ever wished he had met Jesus personally. And for those of you who have met him, you will find yourself in this wonderful story."
-Lou Tartaglia, MD, author, The Great Wing
"The 13th Apostle takes readers back into the daily life of Jesus' followers, friends, and opponents during the last week of His life and beyond. An unforgettable street urchin emerges as a disciple more faithful than any of the twelve. It's a wonderful trip for readers into the very heart of the Christian movement."
-Walter Harrelson, Professor Emeritus, Vanderbilt University
"I recommend The 13th Apostle to anyone who is even slightly curious about what a face-to-face meeting with Jesus might be like. This book is powerful, warm, and endlessly engaging. You'll find yourself cheering for Gamaliel."
-Greg Lehman, Director, Young Life
Filled with warmth, humor, and adventure, The 13th Apostle was written especially for young people (while appealing to all ages). It powerfully depicts how a motivated teen can have an impact beyond his years or experience. Gamaliel's example will inspire young people everywhere to do great things for God!