About the Book
21st Century Cutting Edge Energetic Technology & Nature's Ancient Healing Wisdom=21st Century Cutting Edge Alternative Preventive Medicine Today! A naturopathic, bioenergetic, spiritual and holistic approach to health. Modern life's toxic environment, pollution, 5 toxic groups, 7 deadly sins, 11 mental terror states, 6 basic fears, stress, food, air, water, drugs, chemicals, radiation, medicines, miasms and conventional allopathic medicine are killing you! This book exposes everything the government, pharmaceutical, medical, chemical, petroleum and health industries do not want you to know. This book contains alternative and preventive methods, health restoral products and cutting edge research for proven results to restore your health. The catalog of health restoral products contains sold to physician's only pure, potent, cost effective products. It also contains an addendum on "How to alleviate stress, duress, anxiety, depression, muscular tension, aches, pains, and hypertension," using natural proven methods. There are also audio and video programs with hypnotic, subliminal suggestions, sounds and music to relieve stress and anxiety, self healing, self confidence, stop smoking, stop drug/alcohol addiction, weight loss, rebirthing, self healing and meditation. This book also gives you the everyday solutions for living in a toxic environment and that you need to restore your health in 45 days. The book contains the essential 13 steps from toxicity-disease to detoxification-health-ease on a mind-body-spiritual both the energetic and physical levels. The book gives you the cutting edge information and health restoral products that you need to restore your energy, vitality, balance and health in 45 days. "The 13 Steps From Illness To Health"Alternative Naturopathic Bioenergetic Medicine Physician's Desk Reference-864 pgs. Retails for $120.00 Buy Now for $60.00
About the Author: Jerome Plotnick, Ph.D., N.D. is a counseling, behavioral psychologist-U.C.L.A.-1977-Columbia State Univ.-1998-CA. Coast Univ.-2000 pending that specializes in EEG neurofeedback for mental fitness, peak performance, addictions using the Penniston/Kulkosky protocol, ADD, ADHD, LD, PTSD, OCD, PD, BP and EMG biofeedback for deep relaxation, pain control, hypertension, stress related disorders, neuro-muscle re-education, N.F.B.Th.-1998-EEG Spectrum Instit.-BCIA approved, B.F.B.Th.-B.F.B. Instit.1992-BCIA approved, Naturopathic Physician-Counselor-Sequoia Univ. 1978 a specialist in naturopathic and bioenergetic medicine such as herbal, homeopathic, energetic detox, bioenergetic analysis, needle-less acupuncture, non touch chiropractic, aromatherapy, nutritional, C.C.D.C.S.-1992-L.A. Missiion College-CADDE-12 step, certified chemical dependency counseling specialist, C.T.F.H. I.-T.F.H. Found.-1976-certified touch for health instructor-practitioner, AK-muscle testing, acupuncture touch and acupressure massage, C.M.Hy.Th.-certified master hypnotherapist-HEC-1975, for visualization, guided imagery, psycho-somatic-neuro-immunology, Meditation Instructor-Eastern & Western practices, Pranic Healer-Instit. of Inner Studies-non touch healing, chakra and biofield balancing-2000. Dr. Plotnick has previously taught classes on alternative medicine, touch for health, mind/body medicine at L.A. Pierce College, U.C.L.A. Experimental College, Woman's Workshop and Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks War Memorial Park Community Service Program. He has appeared on "Take 30"-Joni Pennock UHF-52 TV, Mind/Body Connection-KIEV radio. He is currently training using EEG neurofeedback professional athletes, martial artists, actors and other professionals in a special 45 day program called the Mental-Body-Spiritual Spa. With over 35 years of experience he is an authority in naturopathic, bioenergetic, mind, spiritual, neurofeedback and biofeedback training for deep states relaxation training, stress reduction, mental fitness, peak performance, addiction recovery, and natural medicine.