Coloring World Interview with Tyler Seagull
Coloring World: Today we are interviewing Tyler Seagull, author of 12 Step Recovery Program Activity Book. Welcome, Tyler. Tell us how you got started publishing adult coloring books?
Tyler Seagull: Hello to you and all your readers. I hope everyone is doing well. Before I started publishing coloring books, I made designs for myself to color. I saw a documentary about how coloring helps people relax and it can reduce anxiety. I was having trouble relaxing so I thought I'd try coloring. Most of the books I found were too girly for me so I started making my own designs. I used 12-step slogans because I wanted to tack up signs to help my recovery. I shared some coloring pages with friends and they asked for more. Then I started sharing coloring pages online. I had quite a few designs and someone told me I should make a book. And that's what I did.
Coloring World: So you actually color?
Tyler Seagull: [laughs] Yeah, I do. I don't think coloring is a strictly feminine activity, but not a lot of guys color. Or maybe they do but don't talk about it.
Coloring World: Tell me more about your recovery.
Tyler Seagull: Oh.... that would take a while. My story is basically the same as everyone's - I got tired of being tired so I went to a 12-step meeting. I met a lot of people there who helped me with my early struggles. I still need their help occasionally.
Coloring World: You make it sound simple.
Tyler Seagull: Maybe simple, but not easy. It takes a long time. I had a lot of slips. I got hurt a lot. I hurt other people.....Getting clean and sober was the hardest thing I've ever done. And it's not over. Every day I'm recovering. Every day I'm working on my issues. And somehow coloring helps. When I sit down with my pencils I enter another world. I start breathing slower and my mind wanders. Then my issues seem a lot smaller and far away. Coloring helps me relax mentally and physically.
Coloring World: Your new coloring book has a lot of new designs. Do you have any formal art training?
Tyler Seagull: No, I don't really consider myself an artist. I did create a lot of mandalas and I've played around with a few things. But I'd like to thank Pixabay for providing public domain images.
Coloring World: So you begin with public domain images, then manipulate them or add other elements?
Tyler Seagull: That's correct.
Coloring World: I think that sounds like art.
Tyler Seagull: Hmm. Thank you. That's very kind.
Coloring World: I noticed you also have some word search puzzles in here.
Tyler Seagull: Oh yeah! I almost forgot that. I added those as another way to relax. Maybe not relax exactly, but something to stay occupied. That's important in recovery, especially in the beginning. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.
Coloring World: That's so true. I know your book will help a lot of recovering people. I encourage all our readers to order one!I've enjoyed the 12 Step Recover Program Activity Book. I'm looking forward to coloring and relaxing when I get home! Thank you so much.
Tyler Seagull: Thank you very much for having me.