You will read this tiny perfect book over and over as you become part of a world-wide community of success. It will open other doors for you and it is surely destined to be a self-help classic. It is powered by the principles behind the awesome success of the historical twelve-step programs. The principles are fully backed by science, not by ethereal theories that see you winging it on a pink cloud one day and crashing with an emotional hangover on day two.
The modification of these amazingly effective steps and the distillation of the principles behind the steps now make them available to all of us in the pursuit of ANY goal we may have.
The power of the program is now accessible to all people regardless of religion, world view, race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.
If your goal is freedom from addiction, poverty, excess weight gain, a mediocre life, unsatisfying relationships or if you have any of the myriad other goals humans aspire to, this method will boost you and electrify you.
You may have spouses, friends, or family members who have absolutely no ambition to succeed beyond their present state: gifting this book will probably help even them (for a puzzling lack of ambition, see especially the section on dopamine).
Whether your goal is to conquer an addiction, lose weight, have better relationships, or have more money or power then these universal steps to success, based on human nature, will help you attain your goals.
Because the key to success with any sustainable goal is being happy, you will understand what foods to eat and what self-talk will help you control your moods. The knowledge of scientific discoveries will give you the confidence and the knowledge to control and maintain a victorious state and mood. You can adjust your level of ambition by natural means, including what you eat.
Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins will increase with correct eating and behavior. Step 11, a maintenance step, is turbo-charged with scientific discoveries that make success both pleasurable and sustainable.
Whatever your worldview, be it religious or secular, you will feel comfortable with this program. Whether you are trying to escape an addiction or are trying to outgrow a mediocre existence, this is a great place to start. If you are trying to add to your success, then buckle up your seat belts because adherence to these principles can propel you to success beyond your wildest dreams.
Blending the traditional with the progressive, while keeping it simple, these steps will put you firmly in the twelve-step movement that is improving gross national happiness and success throughout the world. As you learn the issues and the language of self-help and relate to others, your feeling of community will buoy you on a SUSTAINABLE pink cloud of achievement. You will learn how helping others, even if it just leaving a positive review, can release powerful hormones within you.
You owe it to yourself -- you are worth it!
Please join us now on our sustainable "pink cloud." You will be happy you did. The price of admission is low -- the benefits are priceless.