It's an amazing time to be alive.
Like a song? One click, and it appears on your computer. Love that sofa? Another click, and soon enough it appears at your doorstep. Need to remember the name of that actor who was in that movie you enjoyed? Click!
But it isn't always that easy. Sometimes clogged coaxial cables and Wi-Fi signals seem determined to ruin our instant gratification. When what is sure to be our new favorite app takes forever to download, we're forced to slow down. And what do we do? Most of the time-nothing. It only goes as fast as it goes.
So, while you wait, how about replacing all of the batteries in the house? Or you could water your plants. You could even water yourself with a refreshing beverage.
Inside this book of practical, surprising and sometimes funny ideas, you will find one hundred more awesome ways to spend your download wait times. They could help your physical, mental, and emotional health. They might save you from destroying your devices. They may even help you keep your sanity.
You're only one boring download away from never having to tolerate a boring download again!
About the Author: Deborah Ellington is a writer who has been scribbling her short stories and books ideas down since she was a child. She mostly works in short fiction while passing the time in the mountains every moment outside of her commercial real estate career she can spare. She has a backlog of plots and concepts she hopes to one day to turn into books.
But this short work of nonfiction, 103 Things to Do, Outside of Screaming Profanity, Self-Mutilation and Bodily Harm to Others, While Downloading is a good start.