This simple reference book for expecting and expectant mothers covers all aspects of childbearing from conception through early infancy, while helping them overcome all their fears and apprehensions of childbirth and face it with fortitude and confidence. Providing the latest information on clinical tests, pregnancy, childbirth and childcare, this valuable guide explains the emotional aspect of childbirth besides how to take postnatal care not only of oneself but the baby also. Black and white line drawings graphically illustrate the text wherever necessary.
Table of Contents:
01. Planning a Baby
02. Reproductive Anatomy and Sexual Function
03. Fertilisation/Conception
04. Birth of Twins
05. Conception through Artificial Insemination
06. In Vitro Fertilisation
07. Common Pregnancy Symptoms and Their Management
08. Haemorrhoids
09. Varicose Veins
10. Chloasma and Pigmentation
11. Morning Sickness
12. Anaemia
13. Leg Cramps
14. Some Serious Conditions in Pregnancy
15. Diabetes
16. Placenta Praevia
17. Coping with Miscarriage
18. Incompetent Cervix
19. Endometriosis
20. Toxaemia or Pre-eclampsia
21. Toxoplasmosis
22. Ectopic Pregnancy
23. Late Age Pregnancy
24. Teen Pregnancy
25. Food and Drugs
26. Diet in Pregnancy
27. Weight Control
28. Tests during Pregnancy
29. Alfa-feto-protein Test
30. Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
32. Ultrasound
33. Amniocentesis
34. MTP
35. Simple Exercises during Pregnancy
36. Development of the Baby
37. Is Scanning Harmful during Pregnancy?
38. Will Fibroids Affect Pregnancy?
39. Is Sex Safe during Pregnancy?
40. Are Sounds Outside the Uterus Harmful for the Foetus?
41. Will it be a Boy or a Girl?
42. Common Pregnancy Beliefs
43. Labour Bag
44. Pre-Labour Symptoms
45. Recognition of Labour Signs
46. Braxton Hicks Contractions
47. Waters Breaking
48. Call to the Hospital
49. Management of Labour Pain
50. Stages of Labour
51. Birth Procedures
52. Foetal Distress
53. Episiotomy
54. Assisted Delivery with Forceps
55. Delivery through Vacuum Extractor
56. Artificial Rupture of Membranes (AROM)
57. Induction
58. Caesarean Section
59. Water Birth
60. Postpartum Care
61. Lumps or Clogged Milk Ducts
62. Postpartum Depression
63. Prolapsed Cord
64. Registration of the Baby
65. Is Thyroiditis Letting You Down?
66. Getting Back to Your Original Figure
67. Contraception
68. Baby Care
69. The First Few Days
70. Baby's Reflexes
71. Dressing Your Baby
72. Breastfeeding
73. Why should Colostrum be Given?
74. Why Breastfeeding is Recommended
75. Techniques of Feeding
76. Handling Sore Nipples
77. Expressing Milk Artificially
78. Number of Feeds to Give
79. Bottle-feeding
80. Preparing the Bottle Feed
81. Changing Nappies
82. Cleaning Your Baby's Skin
83. Sleep-Activity States
84. Playing with Your Baby
85. Check-up at Six Weeks
86. Immunisation
87. Caring for a Baby of Six Weeks to a Year Old
88. Common Problems Faced by a Growing Baby
89. Clipping Your Baby's Nails
90. Sleep Pattern
91. Caring for a Sick Baby
92. Learning Skills
93. Potty Training
94. Out in the Fresh Air
95. Bathing and Cleaning a Toddler
96. Coping with Tantrums
97. Caring for Your Toddler
98. Safety at Home for Baby and Toddler
100. First-Aid in Minor Injuries
101. Some Common and Serious Illnesses