Dan Perry is living his dream. He quit his job, sold his stuff and bought a one-way ticket for Peru. He spent the next ten months traveling around South America, before flying home to attend his brother's wedding. But he's not ready to settle down. He's got a lot more traveling left to do.
While he's at home, Dan buys a tent, a small stove and two pots. Together with the rest of his camping gear and camera equipment, he's ready for any adventure that comes his way. Or so he thinks.
Shortly after returning to South America, Dan learns the hard way that it's not a good idea to cook using diesel. He's a little older, not much wiser.
Dan later reunites with his Australian friend Craig. Together, they take a 1000-mile boat ride down the Amazon River, climb a tabletop mountain, hang out with Guyanese gold miners, trek to the highest single-drop waterfall in the world and build a raft out of bamboo. Dan gets deep into his adventure when he spends a month walking a puma through the Bolivian jungle. Afterward, he returns to the Andes for one of the biggest challenges of his life.
1000 Days Between Part 2 is the continued adventure of a man who left his high-paying job to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. When will he stop traveling? Only time will tell.
About the Author: Dan Perry is an author, software engineer, photographer, traveler and adventurer.
He has climbed mountains in the Central Andes and Colorado Rockies, whitewater kayaked in northern Wisconsin and the western US, canoed Amazon tributaries and driven from Texas to Wisconsin in a Corvette.
He is married to Katie Lepak.