The citizens of the United States have been played for fools for the past 100 years. Very few of us know what is behind events which have shaped our world. 100 Years of Deception is a citizen's attempt to shed light on the truth and inform people about what is behind the events we see happening today. The book starts out by demonstrating that passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, constituted an overthrow of our government. Once in power, the bankers were positioned to use our monetary system to enrich themselves beyond anyone's ability to comprehend. This great wealth enabled the bankers to corrupt the major institutions of our society. The world we live in today is one they created for their benefit and not ours.
Over the past 100 years, every major event experienced by humanity bears the mark of banker meddling and interference. George Washington, our first President warned us to avoid foreign entanglements, especially with the nations of Europe. President Woodrow Wilson ran for a second term of office on the slogan, he kept us out of the war. Yet, short time later, Woodrow Wilson engineered our entry into WWI on the wrong side of the conflict, thus extending the war for two more years. He did this at the cost of 5.5 million additional lives lost. Furthermore, because we entered WWI and fought on the wrong side of the conflict, this planted the seeds of and set the stage for WWII. If America stayed out of WWI or elected to join the war on the side of Germany, the chances are there would have been no Adolf Hitler, no Nazi Party, and no WWII.
100 Years of Deception, not only demonstrates that our government has been overthrown, it also provides an accounting of the catastrophic consequences the world has suffered because of these criminal bankers. Among these are creation of the rogue state of Israel, the sinking of the HMS Lusitania, the Great Depression, the false flag attack on the USS Liberty, and the attack on the World Trade Center. As horrible as these events were, they pale in comparison to the economic costs to this nation of our fraudulent debt based monetary system. Because of this monetary system, Americans have been placed on a treadmill, where the faster we run, the faster the treadmill turns. making it impossible to get out of debt. To be sure, when our government borrows from the Fed, the Fed creates the amount borrowed with the stroke of a pen, and upon so doing, Americans are on the hook to pay the Fed back the amount borrowed plus interest, not with money created out of thin air, but with money earned though diligence and hard work.
The remainder of 100 Years of Deception, consists of 34 articles and essays written by the author. Many of these, drive home the points and claims made in the first part of the book. Others are an analysis of contemporary issues of great import today. These include articles about government, the new world order, freedom, God and politics, war, and our environment.
Since passage of the Federal Reserve act of 1913, a group of criminal bankers have pulled the strings that make us dance. They have controlled our Nation's media to keep us ignorant and compliant. Through undue influence and propaganda, they have shaped how Americans think and view the world, which has left us hopelessly brainwashed. This book not only demonstrates that our government has been overthrown, it also provides an accounting of the catastrophic consequences the world has suffered because of these criminal conspirators. Included are proposals for rectifying our deplorable state of affairs. As Americans we have a responsibility to seek and know the truth. Once accomplished, we will have the tools to put an end to the 100 years of deception which has shaped the world within which we live.