About the Book
Every believer and a Child of God will undergo deliverance at some point or the other in their lives. Deliverance is a prerequisite, to the fulfillment of our God ordained purpose and destiny mandates on earth. As a result, whether you are a Child or an Adult, who is seeking clarity through God's Word on why there are hindrances on your part to destiny fulfillment and kingdom purpose achievement, this Book, '10 Signs Your Children Need Deliverance, ' is for you. In this Book, '10 Signs Your Children Need Deliverance, ' you will be exposed to the reasons for deliverance over your Children, your entire family, and bloodlines. As well as, a Step-by-Step guide on how to undergo your deliverance, and on how to help your Children on their journey of deliverance, as well. This is because, if a Child of God does not undergo
deliverance, they run the risk of experiencing aborted, truncated, derailed, unfulfilled, or frustrated destiny mandates and kingdom purpose, in their lives, their families, or over their Children. Hence, to avoid a life and a future of frustrations, limitations, blockages, and setbacks in fulfilling God's kingdom mandate, and our destiny purpose on earth, deliverance is necessary. As a result, in this Book, '10 Signs Your Children Need Deliverance, ' are truths and knowledge that you will find invaluable on your journey of deliverance for your Children, your family, and your bloodlines; and in the shattering of bloodline
pollutants, strongholds, generational curses, patterns, and sieges, that have held humanity in bondage and captivity from generation to generation, and all these truths are documented in this Book. Therefore, reading this book, '10 Signs Your Children Need Deliverance, ' will be a life changing experience for you, your family and your bloodlines. Finally, when praying your bloodlines and undergoing deliverance for your entire family, ensure you fast effectively from the world and all its distractions. Keep watch at your gates, and your watch tower in the spirit, by diligently keeping your prayer watch hours. Also, read and meditate on the Word of God, your Bible every day and night, and pray in tongues without ceasing; (1Thessalonians 5: 16-18). May God our Father, the Almighty Yahweh, strengthen you, and help you do this effectively, for yourself, your Children, your entire family, and your bloodlines, in Jesus name I pray, amen.