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Authors - H
H 1889- Ellsworth
H 1889- Levy
H 1889-1966 Willebeek Le Mair
H 1902- Ed Westmann
H 7 Vogue
H 880-01 Goldberg
H a (1830-1912 ) Morgan
H A (formerly Danish Institute of Fisheries Research, Denmark) Bremner
H a (Hâeláene Adeline) D Guerber
H a (Hamilton a ) 1855-1923 Ott
H a (Harold a ) Calkins
H A (Harold a ) Whittaker
H A (Harold Alfred) Macmichael
H a (Harold Alfred) Sir Macmichael
H a (Harold Alvah) 1875- Nourse
H a (Harold Alvah) B 1875 Nourse
H a (Harold Anderson) 1 Wadsworth
H a (Harold Arthur) 1871 Prichard
H a (Harold Arthur) 1871-19 Prichard
H a (Harold Arthur) 1911- Fraser
H a (Harold Arthur) Prichard
H a (Harrison August) 1888- Ruehe
H a (Harry Aaron) 1885- Au Marmer
H a (Harry Alexis) 1871- Harding
H a (Harry Alfred) 1898 Borthwick
H a (Harry Allen) 1875-19 Overstreet
H a (Harry Alvin) 1879- Brown
H a (Harry Anson) 1886- Finney
H a (Harry Anson) 1886-1966 Finney
H a (Harry Anson) Finney
H a (Harry Archibald) B 18 Pattison
H a (Harry Ardell) 1880-1963 Allard
H a (Harry Ardell) 1908- Fowells
H a (Harry Arnold) 1889- Baylis
H a (Harry Ashton) 1855-1 Tomlinson
H a (Harry Augustus) Compi Kersey
H a (He Le Ne Adeline) 185 Guerber
H a (Hélène Adeline) 185 Guerber
H a (Hélène Adeline) D Guerber
H a (Heinrich Armin) 1832 Rattermann
H a (Heinrich August) 1817- Jaschke
H a (Heinrich August) 1817- Jäschke
H a (Heinrich August) J?schke
H a (Heinrich August) Jaschke
H a (Heinrich August) Jäschke
H a (Helen Alexandrina) 1856- Dallas
H a (Hélène Adeline) -1929 Guerber
H a (Hélène Adeline) 1859- Guerber
H a (Helene Adeline) D 19 Guerber
H a (Hélène Adeline) D 19 Guerber
H a (Helene Adeline) D 19 Guerber (Creator)
H a (Helene Adeline) Guerber
H A (Hélène Adeline) Guerber
H a (Heman Allen) 1779-1865 Fay
H a (Hendrik Antoon) 1853 Lorentz
H a (Hendrik Antoon) 1853-19 Lorentz
H a (Hendrik Arent) 1789-183 Hamaker
H a (Henry a ) B 1852 Du Souchet
H a (Henry a ) Gaston
H a (Henry a ) Henry
H a (Henry Aaron) B 1831 Budington
H a (Henry Aaron) B 1831 Budington (Creator)
H a (Henry Aaron) D 1834 Hill
H a (Henry Adolphus) 1884- Mess
H a (Henry Alexander) 1900- Hartley
H a (Henry Algernon) Du Pont
H a (Henry Allan) 1876-1 Ironside
H a (Henry Allen) 1828-1902 Tupper
H a (Henry Ambrose) B 1865 Hunt
H a (Henry Anderson) 1854- Bryden
H a (Henry Anderson) 1854-193 Bryden
H a (Henry Anderson) Bryden
H a (Henry Archibald) Taylor
H a (Henry Arthur) 1872-1937 Ballou
H a (Henry Arthur) B 1877 Treble
H a (Henry Arthur) Nesbitt
H a (Henry Arthur) Transl Nesbitt
H a (Henry Augustine) 182 Washington
H a (Henry Augustus) 1819-1869 Wise
H A (Henry Augustus) Rawes
H a (Henry Augustus) Wise
H a (Henry Austin) 1854-1927 Wilson
H A (Herbert Alfred) Birks
H a (Herbert Allen) B 1859 Wheeler
H a (Herbert Andrews) B 1869 Newell
H a (Herbert Arthur) Morrah
H a (Herbert Arthur) Popley
H A (Herman August) Schroeder
H a (Herman Augustus) 1885-19 Spoehr
H a (Hilary Adair) 1901- Marquand
H a (Hiram Alfred) 1872-1948 Cody
H a (Hiram Alfred) Cody
H a (Hobart Amory) 1862-1931 Hare
H a (Homer Arthur) B 1833 King
H a (Horace Adelbert) 1857 Hollister
H a (Horace Andrew) 183 Wadsworth
H a (Hospice Anthelme) 1828- Verreau
H a (Howard Anderson) 1 Wadsworth
H a (Howard Arnold) 1883-1918 Walter
H a (Hugh Alexander) 1 MacPherson
H a (Hugh Alexander) 1858 MacPherson
H a (Hugh Alexander) Gorley
H A (Hugh Ansfrid) Thurston
H a (Hugh Archibald) 1877 Wyndham
H A (Oxford University) Prichard
H A (Tension Technology International, USA) McKenna
H A (University of Cambridge) Turner
H a (University of Newcastle Australia) Bridgman
H a (Yokom) Terwilligar Mrs Sharpe
H A (Yokom) Terwilligar Sharpe
H a [Ed ] M
H a [From Old Catalog] Cook
H a [From Old Catalog] Lewis
H a [From Old Catalog] Peaslee
H a [From Old Catalog] Pratt
H A 1779 Fay
H a 1779-1865 Fay
H A 1817 Jaschke
H A 1817-1883 Jaschke
H A 1817-1883 Jäschke
H A 1817-1883 Jschke
H A 1819 Wise
H a 1819-1869 Wise
H A 1820 Washington
H A 1820-1858 Washington
H A 1828 Tupper
H A 1828 Verreau
H a 1828-1901 Verreau
H a 1828-1902 Tupper
H A 1832 Rattermann
H A 1832-1923 Rattermann
H A 1833 Gorley
H a 1833-1907 Gorley
H A 1837 Wadsworth
H a 1837-1890 Wadsworth
H a 1839-1905 Page
H A 1842 Strong
H a 1842-1918 Strong
H A 1843- Scomp
H A 1844 Stebbins
H a 1844-1920 Stebbins
H a 1853-1928 Lorentz
H A 1854 Bryden
H A 1854 Wilson
H a 1854- Bryden
H a 1854-1927 Wilson
H a 1854-1937 Bryden
H A 1855 Ott
H a 1855-1923 Ott
H A 1855-1930 Harding
H A 1858 MacPherson
H a 1858-1901 MacPherson
H A 1862 Hare
H a 1862-1931 Hare
H A 1865 Gwynne
H A 1865 Hinkson
H a 1865-1919 Hinkson
H a 1865-1950 Gwynne
H A 1867 Ayrinhac
H a 1867-1930 Ayrinhac
H A 1871 Prichard
H a 1871-1947 Prichard
H A 1872 Cody
H A 1872-1937 Ballou
H a 1872-1948 Cody
H A 1875 Overstreet
H A 1875-1970 Overstreet
H A 1883 Walter
H a 1883-1918 Walter
H A 1885 Spoehr
H a 1885-1954 Spoehr
H A 1886 Finney
H A 1886- Finney
H a 1888- Ruehe
H a 1889- Baylis
H A 1892 Taylor
H a 1892- Taylor
H A 1911- Fraser
H a a (Harry Angus Alexander Kennedy
H A a 1866 Kennedy
H A a 1866-1934 Kennedy
H A a B 1874 Cruso
H a a Cruso
H A a Kennedy
H a a Khan
H a a Verbon
H a Ackley
H A Acworth
H a Adam
H a Ainia
H a Aisyah
H a Alawaji
H a Albyn Nursery
H A Alexander
H A Alford Nicholls
H a Allen
H a Andrews
H A Anilkumar(T)
H a Appleton
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