Zvonko Karanovic

Zvonko KaranovicZvonko Karanovic (b. 1959) is a poet and fiction writer born in Nis, Serbia. Like the poets of the Beat generation he takes as his models, he has traveled widely throughout Europe, hitchhiking and often changing jobs. He has worked as a journalist, eitor, radio host, DJ, concert organizer, and for thirteen years he was the owner of a music store. Today he lives in Belgrade where he set up a publishing house, PPM Enclave. A writer of distinctly urban sensibilities, steeped in the spirit of riot and revolt, he has written some of the most significant politically engaged poetry critiquing the 90s regime in Serbia. For many years he was an underground cult figure and a seminal influence on a whole generation of younger poets. He is the only Serbian poet with a fan club (The Silver Surfer)--founded in 1991. and operational until 2013. His poems have been translated to sixteen languages and published in representative literary magazines in South-Eastern Europe, as well as numerous Serbian and international anthologies, including New European Poets (Graywolf Press, 2008). Read More Read Less

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