Zen Isa

Zen IsaTakunda Aaron Chimutashu aka Zen ISA is an award-winning Film Director, Writer, Photographer and Pan African with a background in Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Social leadership. He is the founder and Creative Director of Immortal African Studiosand co-founder and resident Film Director of award-winning production house, Visual Sensations Media. As a self-titled "Universal Creative" Zen loves to explore art in all its forms and seeks to investigate all the amazing ways art can influence and inspire our society for the better.Having acquired an Honors Degree in Mechatronic Engineering at University and explored his passion for social leadership through volunteering at Harare City Junior Council for nearly a decade (Initially as the Junior Mayor of Harare ad subsequently as a Respectable Junior Alderman), Zen found himself still hungry to learn and expand. It was through this hunger and the subsequent journey to sate it that he found himself on film sets doing technical jobs like being set engineer or a grip. Witnessing films and TV shows being made created a deep and powerful passion for Filmmaking in him and set off his journey to becoming a full time filmmaker. Now, Zen is a Film Director, Producer, Author, Writer, Documentarian and Photographer who has made it his mission to document and grow African stories through the visual medium.At the core of Zen's growth are the principles of Pan-Africanism. All this combined means Zen's greatest desire is to create books and films that facilitate the growth of a vibrant and diverse community of African leaders across all industries who can use their skills and abilities to unite their people in an effort to empower African communities and contribute to the continent's overall development. Read More Read Less

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