Yutaka Tateda

Yutaka TatedaDr. Yutaka Tateda, scientist at the Environmental Science Research Laboratory of the Central Research Institute of Electric Industry (CRIEPI) in Abiko, Chiba. He is internationally recognized expert with over 40 years of experience in investigations f marine radioecology. He was Visiting Scientist at the National Institute of Radiological Science Japan, especially studying the experimental application of radiotracer to clarify the bio-kinetics of radionuclide and the corresponding trace element behaviors in marine biota and environment. In addition, he was Visiting Scientist at the Marine Environmental Laboratory of the IAEA in Monaco, responsible for the sediment trap study evaluating the natural radionuclide flux and inventory in coastal ecosystem. He also led international projects on application of natural radionuclides to evaluate the carbon budget in coastal ecosystem not only in marine but also of terrestrial biota with several Asian countries. After his return to the CRIEPI, he established the dynamic biological transfer model for evaluation of radionuclide distribution between biota and environment under transient state, e.g., for the unexpected accidental emergency case. After 2011, he has been successful on understanding of environmental impacts of the Fukushima accident on marine ecosystems by his accumulate research carrier. He published more than 100 scientific papers with more than 500 citations (Google Scholar). Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Elsevier Science
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01 Jun 2021
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