Yuriy P Kondratenko

Yuriy P KondratenkoYuriy P. Kondratenko received the Ph.D. degree in 1983 and the D.Sc. degree in 1994 in computer and control systems from Odessa National Polytechnic University. He is the Doctor of Science (habil.), Professor, Honour Inventor of Ukraine (2008), Corr.Academician of Royal European Academy of Doctors - Barcelona 1914 (2000), and the Head of Intelligent Information Systems Department at Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Ukraine. He is the regional coordinator of Tempus (Cabriolet) and Erasmus+ (Aliot) projects, principal researcher of several international research projects with Spain, Germany, P.R. of China, and others. He is the author of more than 140 patents and 14 books (including edited monographs) published by Springer, River Publishers, World Scientific, Pergamon Press, Academic Verlag, etc. His research interests include intelligent decision support systems, automation, sensors and control systems, fuzzy logic, soft computing, modelling and simulation, robotics, and elements and devices of computing systems. Dr. Kondratenko received several international grants and scholarships for conducting research at Institute of Automation of Chongqing University, P. R. China (1988-1989), Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (2000 and 2010), Nazareth College, and Cleveland State University, USA (2003). In 2015, he received Fulbright grant for conducting research during nine months in USA (Cleveland State University, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science). He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the National Council of Ukraine on Development of Science and Technology, National Committee of Ukrainian Association on Automatic Control, as well as GAMM, DAAAM, AMSE UAPL, and PBD-Honor Society of International Scholars, and a Visiting Lecturer at the universities in Rochester, Cleveland, Kassel, Vladivostok, and Warsaw. He is a member of Editorial Boards of journals such as Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, International Journal of Computing, Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, International Research and Review: Journal of Phi Beta Delta, Quantitative Methods in Economics, and others. Read More Read Less

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Advanced Control Techniques in Complex Engineering Systems: Theory and Applications37 %
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Advanced Control Techniques in Complex Engineering Systems: Theory and Applications37 %
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Artificial Intelligence in Control and Decision-Making Systems37 %
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Artificial Intelligence in Control and Decision-Making Systems37 %
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Recent Developments in Automatic Control Systems
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Research Tendencies and Prospect Domains for AI Development and Implementation4 % NR
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Advanced Control SystemsNR
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21 Oct 2024
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Artificial Intelligence in Control and Decision-making Systems1 % NR
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Advanced Control Systems2 % NR
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28 Feb 2021
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