Yong Wan Choi

Yong Wan ChoiYong Wan Choi is an architect, poet and essayist. He was born in Soonchun, Junnam, Korea in 1938. Yong Wan Choi attended Sujoong/Ilgo high school Kwangjoo, Korea in 1957. He went to Seoul National University (SNU) and completed his Bachelors in Archiecture in 1961. Yong Wan Choi was the architect of the restoration of Great South Gate of Seoul, Korea during the year 1967 and 2008. He was the member of the Korean Culture Preservation Committee of the Korean government in 1965. Yong Wan Choi is a lecturer at Seoul National University and Yonsei University in Korea. He completed his Master's Degree in Architecture from University of Minnesota, St Paul Minnesota in 1972. Yong Wan Choi was the founder and president of Architects Associated Inc. Dayton, Ohio, for 28 years and retired in 2005. He is a lecturer at Sinclair College and Write State University Dayton, Ohio, USA. He was the architect of Korean War Memorial Monument Park of Ohio, USA. Since 2003 Yong Wan Choi is one of the members of the Early China Seminar Group at Columbia University. He founded the writer's club 'Guelsaemter (글샘터 pome, essay, column, noble, writing)' in Orange County, CA, USA in 2008. Yong Wan Choi has written four history books and a poem book in Korean. He is the father of four children and lives in Corona, CA, USA. Yong Wan Choi received many awards including President of Korea, Mayor of Seoul, Ohio Government and AIA (the American Institute of Architects) awards. Read More Read Less

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