Yong Suk JangYong Suk Jang is a professor of Public Administration at Yonsei University. He received his Ph.D. in sociology from Stanford University and taught at the University of Utah (2001-2004) and Korea University (2004-2008). His current research interests nclude macro-comparative analyses of nation-states and organizations, governance, and neo-institutionalism. Recent publications include Classics of Organization Theory, 6th & 7th ed. (Wadsworth Cengage Learning) and articles in Administrative Science Quarterly, Asian Business and Management, Sociological Perspectives, International Sociology, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Social Science Computer Review, Development and Society, Korean Public Administration Review, Journal of Korean Association for Policy Studies, The Journal of Educational Administration, Review of International Area Studies, and Quarterly Journal of Labor Policy, Human Resource Management Review, and Korean Journal of Sociology. Read More Read Less
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