Yonatan Setbon

Yonatan SetbonFor over eight years, Yonatan Setbon has maintained a YouTube channel dedicated to lanyards. After mastering the content available on the internet, he began to explore and develop his own new techniques, both practical and creative. In 2008, when Yontan was sixteen, his art was showcased on the website of expert crafter BoondoggleMan. On Yonatan's YouTube channel, you can find the basics, as well as advanced tutorials with complete instructions for creating fun forms such as a Pikachu, a snake, and a dragon (that took 72 hours to make!). During the COVID-19 pandemic, Yonatan added several new artistic approaches to his repertoire, reflecting modern, and more abstract styles. Read More Read Less

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The Little Book of Plastic Lace Crafts35 % NR
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18 May 2023
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