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Yeo West

Yeo WestYeo West, of South Asian, Portuguese and British heritage, is an avid singer/songwriter, artist, poet and wordsmith. He was born and raised in the British Isles and immigrated to Canada in 1957 aboard The Empress of France. He worked in Quebec for a pell as an aeronautical engineering trainee before enlisting in The Royal Canadian Navy sailing out of Halifax, Nova Scotia to serve as a 'Sparky' Radioman aboard the, now scrapped, frigate H.M.C.S. LaHulloise.Following his honourable discharge from service with Canada's armed forces he was briefly and gainfully employed in Alberta before, in-due-course, moving to British Columbia where he eventually secured employment within a department of the Ministry of the Attorney General. He remained in this service for many years until his retirement. Shortly after retiring, both he and his wife, Nora, moved to the Saskatchewan prairies. It was during those ensuing unique years that the enigmatic vastness of their surroundings left an indelibly profound and emotionally stirring impression on Yeo West. He, quite literally, fell in love with the Saskatchewan prairies and, as a result, they will forever hold a special place in his heart. Nevertheless, in spite of this, the sea, as is its wont, inevitably beckoned to him. He and Nora presently reside on one of British Columbia's gulf islands in the Salish Sea. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Tellwell Talent
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