Yaqian Zhao

Yaqian ZhaoYaqian Zhao is an Irish Chinese, distinguished professor at the Xi'an University of Technology; distinguished professor of "Hundred Talents Program" in Shaanxi province; chair professor of "Apsaras Scholars" in Gansu province; Fellow of the Internatinal Water Association (FIWA). Prof. Yaqian Zhao's research covers a number of issues in the areas of water, wastewater, and biosolids/residual treatment engineering, with specific achievements in the areas of: (1) constructed wetland systems for wastewater treatment; (2) phosphorus removal/immobilization/adsorption and (3) waterworks sludge conditioning, dewatering and beneficial disposal/reuse. In recent years, he has developed several practical, low cost and environmentally friendly technologies for wastewater treatment. A novel constructed wetland system developed by Dr. Zhao for high strength wastewater treatment has been reported by The Irish Times (2008, 2012), ICE(UK) (2009), Water 21 (magazine of Int. Water Association) (2010), and "The Source" (IWA magazine) (2021).

Prof. Zhao is a highly active researcher at an international level with over 400 research papers published in refereed journals, book contributions, and international conferences. He has been invited to deliver over 100 lectures at international conferences, research seminars, universities, and research organizations internationally (including Cambridge University, Edinburgh University, UK, etc.). Dr. Zhao is a journal founder member and 9 journal editorial board members as well as 57 journal reviewers. He has solely supervised 4 Postdocs and 15 Ph.D. and several Master's students since 2004. Due to Prof. Zhao's significant academic contribution to water science and technology, he has been elected as a Fellow of IWA (International Water Association) in 2016. In 2021, he received the "Shamrock Environmental Awards" in Ireland. Read More Read Less

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Emerging Developments in Constructed WetlandsNR
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