Yan LuYan Lu received the BEng and MSc degrees in Microelectronics from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, in 2006 and 2009, respectively; and the PhD degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Sciene and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong, in 2013. In 2014, he joined the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI of University of Macau as an Assistant Professor. His current research interests include, wireless power transfer circuits and systems, RF energy harvesting, highly-integrated power management solutions. From 2013 to 2018, Yan has contributed 9 ISSCC papers which are distributed in three sub-areas of power management IC: wireless power transfer (3), low-dropout regulators (3), and switched-capacitor DC-DC converters (3). In addition, Yan has co-authored 40+ journal/conference papers, three book chapters, and one book entitled "CMOS Integrated Circuit Design for Wireless Power Transfer" published by Springer. Dr. Lu served as a member of Technical Program Committee of several IEEE conferences, including ISCAS, VLSI-DAT, APCCAS, etc. He also serves as a reviewer of many journals/conferences including IEEE JSSC, TCAS-I, TPEL, etc. Yan was a recipient of the Outstanding Postgraduate Student Award of Guangdong (Canton) Province 2008, the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Pre-Doctoral Achievement Award 2013-2014, and the IEEE CAS Society Outstanding Young Author Award 2017. He is a senior member of IEEE. Read More Read Less