Yailyn Cortez

Yailyn CortezYailyn L. Cortez has always been a writer ever since she gained the ability to hold a pen. She was raised by her family in Reading, Pennsylvania. At the age of 4, she wrote books out of pure imagination and creativity just for fun. After a while fantsy dragons and talking animals weren't going to cut it anymore when writing started to become more refined.She fell in and out of love for writing but in the end it was something that she couldn't just leave behind. School was a big factor in her enhancement in writing. Writing to her was in a way to create as freely as she could and exactly what she would want. Through learning how to write beyond her limits through writing differently than she was used to and she wanted through the advanced expectations that writing would become. For her it was just a far away dream just to even think of writing a book one day. Read More Read Less

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