Y L Wright M aTHE "BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES" BOOK SERIES CONTAINS THESE BOOKS: Book One: "SECRETS ABOUT BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES to Lose Fat and Prevent Cancer, Heart Disease, Menopause, and Andropause by Optimizing Adrenals, Thyroid, Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosteron, and Growth Hormone!" Book Two: "BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES MADE EASY!" Book Three: "SECRETS ABOUT GROWTH HORMONE TO BUILD MUSCLE, INCREASE BONE DENSITY, AND BURN BODY FAT!" Book Four: "FAT LOSS SECRETS THAT REALLY WORK--Balance Your Hormones: Insulin, Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Thyroid, Cortisol, and DHEA!" Book Five: "SECRETS ABOUT THE HCG DIET! Treatment Guide, Controversy, Benefits, Risks, Side Effects, and Contraindications." Book Six: "SECRETS to LOSE TOXIC BELLY FAT! Heal Your Sick Metabolism Using State-Of-The-Art Medical Testing and Treatment With Detoxification, Diet, Lifestyle, Supplements, and Bioidentical Hormones." Book Seven: "THE WISDOM OF BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES In Menopause, Perimenopause, and Premenopause! Unleash the power of Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol, DHEA, Growth Hormone, Pregnenolone, Oxytocin, Vitamin D3, and Melatonin!" Book Eight: "MEN'S HORMONES MADE EASY! How to Treat: Low Testosterone, Low Growth Hormone, Erectile Dysfunction, BPH, Andropause, Insulin Resistance, Adrenal Fatigue, Thyroid, Osteoporosis, High Estrogen, and DHT!" Book Nine: MAXIMIZE YOUR TESTOSTERONE AT ANY AGE! Improve Erections, Muscular Size and Strength, Energy Level, Mood, Heart Health, Longevity, Prostate Health, Bone Health, and much more! Book Ten: "GROWTH HORMONE MADE EASY! How to SAFELY Raise Your Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Levels to Burn Fat, Build Bigger Muscles, and Reverse Aging." OTHER BOOKS by Y.L. WRIGHT M.A. and J.M. SWARTZ M.D.: "TOXIC TEETH: How a Biological (Holistic) Dentist Can Help You Cure Cancer, Facial Pain, Autoimmune, Heart, and Other Disease Caused By Infected Gums, Root Canals, Jawbone Cavitations, and Toxic Metals." "KETO SMART!: Heal Your Brain and Body With the Ten-Step Action Plan Scientifically Proven to Prevent or Reverse Obesity, Memory Loss, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Autoimmunity, Cancer, and Heart Disease." "HOW TO HEAL HEMORRHOID PAIN PERMANENTLY! What are Hemorrhoids? What Causes Hemorrhoid Pain? How to Get Relief Now. When to See a Doctor. Five Powerful Strategies to Heal Hemorrhoid Pain Forever." "HOW TO HEAL FROM HERPES! (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS-2, HSV-2) How Contagious Is Herpes? Is There a Cure for Herpes? Dating With Herpes. Read More Read Less