Xue Lan Rong

Xue Lan RongXue Lan Rong, a professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, is a first-generation immigrant whose native language is Chinese. As a classroom teacher, teacher educator, and educational sociologist, she has more than 25years of teaching experience in public schools at various levels in the United States and China. She obtained her research experience via sociological, demographic, and pedagogical training. She has continually published in major sociological and educational journals and presented at national conferences on the topics of generation, race and ethnicity, national origins, gender, social class, and educational attainment and achievement of immigrant children since 1988, when she finished a dissertation on immigration and education at the University of Georgia. Read More Read Less

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Educating Immigrant Students in the 21st Century43 %
Publisher: Corwin Publishers
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26 Sep 2008
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