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Wynn Frolley

Wynn FrolleyWynn Frolley is the fictitious author of this fictitious memoir. She grew up in a time completely different from what came before and the now which came tumbling after. She survived TV programs named Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best, as well s the sex advice column in her own father's hidden Playboys. She saw the best minds of her older sisters' generation start magazines like Ms., write books titled Our Bodies/Ourselves, burn bras outside the Miss America Pageant, march on Washington for the Equal Rights Amendment, and, in general, make a ruckus while still enjoying life on their own terms, unfettered by previous conventions or regrets. Born and educated on the East Coast (she grew up on Fire Island and graduated from Bard), Frolley moved to Los Angeles in the mid-1970s for a brief affair with graduate school. Her life in L.A. was a cacophonous ride through crazy, hazy, sexy days let loose upon the world, by the post-1960s Love-love-love-is-all-there-is zeitgeist. She confesses to having studied rhetoric in a serious way once. Even now, she dreams in figures of speech. She suggests that the main problems between humans and their incapacity to really understand each other comes down to differences in their rhetorical styles and choices of literary devices. Making love without talking, she says, is one possible tool to overcome both the problems and the differences. Read More Read Less

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