Wunmi Lawal

Wunmi LawalDr. Wunmi Lawal is a trained Pastor, with her Doctoral degree in Christian Counseling. She spends majority of her time teaching in Montgomery County Public Schools, while she writes and evangelize the gospel of Christ through teaching and preaching i Christian forums and events in her private time. Evangelist Wunmi as she is often referred to, hosts the people of God on her online Praying line called Divine Wisdom Seekers Ministry on a weekly basis. Dr. Lawal helps other authors write their books for publication and has many other published books under her name. This includes Heaven Perspective, Expected Christian Etiquette, Prayer: The Only Answer. The ABC of a Godly Marriage, and The Mother: A Woman that leads her Children on God's Path. Dr. Lawal works and lives in Maryland in proximity to her son and grandchildren. Read More Read Less

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Core Elements of a Contented LifeNR
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