Wolfgang Fitznar

Wolfgang FitznarWolfgang Fitznar is an SAP expert and holds a degree in business administration. Since 1992, he has been working on SAP software, first as a product manager for SAP qualifications and later as a project manager for SAP training projects. He is currenly a freelance trainer and application consultant in national and international SAP training projects in the areas of logistics and accounting. He is certified both as an SAP solution consultant and as an SAP trainer. Wolfgang's training is characterized by professional competence and practical relevance. He systematically collects tips and tricks that help users with their daily work, and passes on his extensive know-how to advanced users and key users so that specialist departments can achieve faster and better results with SAP software. He is the author of a German-language user book, SAP for Users - Tips & Tricks. Read More Read Less

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Using SAP S/4HANA13 % NR
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30 May 2021
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SAP S/4HANA: Der Grundkurs fur Einsteiger und Anwender - Fur SAP Fiori und SAP GUI geeignet. Inkl. Video-TutorialsNR
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