Winston J Perez

Winston J PerezHere, Winston deconstructs the hidden side of baseball--its core. As featured in the New York Times, award winning author Winston J Perez is the creator and founder of Concept Modeling, a discipline used to deconstruct Hollywood movies, high-end techology, businesses, now baseball, and even AI--anything and everything actually. It is based on what some call the missing discipline: Concept modeling is about ideas, concepts, and the abstract world. That discipline is the subject of Winston's first, award winning, highly praised book, which was a semifinalist in Publishers Weekly's BookLife Prize. That book is called "The Nature and Structure of Concept." It explores (1) the nature and structure of concept, (2) the difference between ideas and concepts, and (3) how the abstract world functions--and even dictates how the physical world works. In simplest terms, Winston deconstructs the hidden nature of baseball to reveal fascinating insights. Baseball, like everything else, is not found just in its physical nature but in its abstract nature. In a journey of discovery spanning over 48 years, Winston has used the hidden abstract nature and structure of things to help discover, model, and perfect them. Mr. Perez's concept-based work is considered revolutionary--his previous work won him a visionary book award and the New York Time called Winston the " of Concept Modeling." Read More Read Less

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