William Tenn"The Men in the Walls" is a thought-provoking science fiction short tale by William Tenn, pen name for Philip Klass. This story provides a unique and unpleasant look at human behavior and cultural norms. The novel takes place in a future world where eople live in communal homes with retractable walls that disclose hidden chambers for personal space. The story follows Peter Corey, a newbie to one of these community homes, as he uncovers the unpleasant truth about the individuals who live there. He becomes increasingly aware of "men in the walls" - people who have decided to live their entire lives secluded within the wall compartments, avoiding societal connections. As Peter looks deeper into the mystery, he wrestles with issues of conformity, individualism, and the extent people would go to escape societal expectations. He also faces the terrible fact of people voluntarily withdrawing from human contact, resulting in intense emotions of isolation and alienation. "The Men in the Walls" by William Tenn is a frightening investigation of the human psyche and the effects of extreme social isolation. The ominous atmosphere and psychological complexity of the narrative make it a noteworthy work of science fiction, encouraging readers to consider the complexities of human relationships and the impact of societal standards on individual choices. Read More Read Less
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