William L Iggiagruk Hensley

William L Iggiagruk HensleyWilliam L. Iggiagruk Hensley, author of Fifty Miles from Tomorrow, was a founder of the Northwest Alaska Native Association and spent twenty years working for its successor, the Iñuit-owned NANA Regional Corporation. He also helped establish te Alaska Federation of Natives in 1966 and has served as its director, executive director, president, and co-chair. He spent ten years in the Alaska state legislature as a representative and senator, and recently retired from his position in Washington, D.C., as manager of federal government relations for Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. Hensley and his wife, Abigale, live in Anchorage, where--now an Iñupiat elder--he is the chair of the First Alaskans Institute. Read More Read Less

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Fifty Miles from Tomorrow39 % NR
Publisher: Picador USA
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02 Mar 2010
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