William Kilmer

William Kilmer William Kilmer is a technology entrepreneur, investor, and innovation

strategist who has founded, invested in, and advised hundreds of companies around the world. As a venture capital partner, he invests in emerging companies specializing in cybesecurity, cloud infrastructure, and digital enterprise markets.

He has been founder and CEO of several technology companies in the US and UK and has served on the board of more than thirty organizations. Kilmer was previously European managing director of Intel Capital, the world's leading corporate venture investor. He is a graduate of Binghamton University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and holds master's degrees from Brigham Young University and Warwick University.

Kilmer is a frequent speaker and advisor on the topics of innovation, strategy, and organizational culture and teaches and mentors at startup accelerators in several countries. He holds several patents for computer networking and cybersecurity and is the author of a book on computer networking. Read More Read Less

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Transformative: Build a Game-Changing Strategy, Retool Your Organization, and Innovate to Win37 % NR
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