William F Hill

William F HillThe government did all that they could to destroy us. They never liked that I did business with local banks. I only purchased their delinquent properties that they had already foreclosed on, fixed them up, and resold them.The government was upset wit the big house the we built after selling our farm. I helped a number of people purchase homes, and property for themselves. The government didn't like this. They told me that "poor people should stay poor".To get even with me, they accused me of making a false statement on a loan application. I had made no such loan application. I hadn't even been near a bank. Bradford bank, where I had excellent credit, called me and said that they needed to make a loan to another customer who was the president of another bank and was up to his credit limit with them, that he would soon be caught up.I knew both these men and had plenty of respect for both of them. Bradford bank made all the arrangements and made the loan direct. I did have to sign on the note which the bank brought to me. The note was soon paid off directly to the bank.As agreed, I had nothing to do with any part of this and received nothing for my help. I later checked with other banks and several attorneys. They all said that this was what is called a "nominee loan," and was perfectly legal.For this, the government charged me with making a false statement on a loan application which I never made. They called me a felon, which caused me to lose my credibility and my respect. I also lost my real estate licenses and auctioneers license.They threatened to use this against me at sentencing if I refused to lie for them at another's trial. I would not lie for them and they haven't left me alone since.You need to read my book, "Where is the justice", to really see what they did to us, especially my wife Sally.In the mid eighties when our son Ronald got into trouble, who we had only tried to help him and keep good home for us and our family. We knew nothing about the illegal things that he was doing until it was too late.The government took all our property and sold it for only $190 thousand. We had nearly $500 thousand invested. The government was getting the sale money and we were getting nothing.We had done nothing wrong intentionally or never tried to be dishonest. We certainly would not have been working with Ronald if we had any idea that he was doing anything illegal.The government claimed that they knew for at least five years about Ronald, yet they kept quiet and let us fall into this trap so that they could reap a big profit from us while we lost nearly everything that we worked for all our lives very hard. They smashed our doors down and about forty of them trashed our home. Where Is The Justice?It is very sad what has happened to Sally and her family. We always worked very hard and tried to help others get ahead and experience a good life.Although we worked very hard and devoted our lives to helping others, the government, and the Olson's, have no conscience about destroying our lives.Sally is now gone and this is very sad. I hope that these people will someday realize what they have done and how tragic it was. Read More Read Less

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