William Chi Shing Cho

William Chi Shing ChoDr Cho's main research interests have been cancer studies to discover biomarkers for cancer diagnosis, treatment prediction and prognostication. As a seasoned researcher, Dr Cho has conducted cancer research in using molecular biology, proteomics, geomics, immunology as well as bioinformatics, his current H-index is 66.

Dr Cho has published over 400 peer-reviewed papers (Lancet Oncology, Annals of Oncology, Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Advanced Science, Nature Communications, PNAS, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, Clinical Cancer Research, Clinical Chemistry, Molecular Cancer, Theranostics, etc) covering cancer biomarkers, proteomics, microRNAs, Chinese medicine and dozens of books including "MicroRNAs in Cancer Translational Research", "An Omics Perspective on Cancer Research", "Supportive Cancer Care with Chinese Medicine", "Drug Repurposing in Cancer Therapy: Approaches and Applications" etc. The accumulated impact factors of the journals over 3,000 and these papers have received > 20,000 citations. Read More Read Less

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Resistance to Anti-Cd20 Antibodies and Approaches for Their Reversal14 % NR
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01 Aug 2023
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