Wes VivancoWes Vivanco was born in London, England to a Spanish father and an English mother. This unique combination exposed him to multiple cultures at a young age and allowed his mind to open up to interesting possibilities. He discovered a passion for helpig others and took that mindset into his studies at the University of Edinburgh where he graduated with a degree in Neuroscience. Wes uses his wealth of knowledge to develop and write self-help and self-development books. His studies of the human mind provided insight into the how of what we do. He wishes to help as many people as he can overcome debilitating factors such as procrastination and distractions. Wes knows we have so much more potential than we use and by writing can change the lives of many. If just one reader gains a measure of confidence, learns to control their emotions, or forms the building blocks to success based on his books it will all have been worthwhile. When he finds the time, Wes enjoys frequent visits to Spain, Germany, France, and Italy. His love for all things European translates into his visions for the future and provides unparalleled joy to the lives of those closest to him. Read More Read Less
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