Wendy ReedAuthor Wendy Reed makes her home in South Carolina with her husband, Greg, their dog, Bruce, and a sweet cockatiel, Kylie. As an educator and consultant who leads professional learning experiences with teachers and literacy coaches, she is passionateabout children's literature. Some of Wendy's other books include Gators, Waders, and Wings; The Adventures of a Big Blue Boat; The Ruff Labs; Labrador Retrievers: A Special Breed of Dogs; Enough: Just As You Are; Creative Child; and Oh, Happy Day! A Joy-Book of Affirmations. She also co-wrote the text Responsive Literacy: A Comprehensive Framework (Scholastic; 2018). You can learn more at wendyreed.my.canva.site and also at wendyreedliteracyconsulting.com. Read More Read Less
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