Wayne L Menking

Wayne L MenkingWayne Menking is a retired pastor of the ELCA and an ACPE Emeritus Certified Educator. He received his BA degree from Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, his MDiv degree from Luther Theological Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and his STD degree frm San Francisco Theological Seminary in San Anselmo, CA. He received his clinical pastoral education at Hennepin County Medical Center, Lutheran Deaconess Hospital, and Metropolitan Medical Center in Minneapolis. He then received his Clinical Educator training at Children's Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. He has served congregations in North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Fort Worth, Texas. As an ACPE Certified Educator he has held positions at Children's Medical Center in Dallas and Texas Health Resources in Fort Worth. He has served on the extension faculty of Wartburg Theological Seminary as the director of the Lutheran Seminary of the Southwest (now Centro Teologico Luterano Multicultural), and presently serves on Wartburg's adjunct faculty as a clinical pastoral education instructor.

His doctoral dissertation advisor was Dr. James Nestingen, and his dissertation's title was "Luther's Small Catechism as a Resource for Spiritual formation in a Culture of Affluence." He has a life long interest in the application of Luther's theology of the cross and catechetical teachings for discovering Christian vocation in our culture's affluent and self absorbed life styles.

Wayne lives in Fort Worth with his spouse, Nancy. His retirement hobbies include photography, bread baking, cooking, gardening with Nancy, and writing.

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