Warren Fahey

Warren FaheyWarren Fahey has been a voice on ABC radio for over 55 years. In 1968, he began regularly reviewing books on music and folklore and presented Australia's first radio series on world music. He went on to script several major series exploring Australia stories and folksong, including The Australian Legend, While the Billy Boils and The Songs That Made Australia. With the launch of ABCFM, he became a regular on Sunday Folk. ABC Music and ABC Books went on to release his catalogue of records and books. For the past 25 years, he has been a 'talking head' - discussing everything from the history of the bush biscuit to Australian slanguage, convict stories to tales about maritime mysteries.His legendary Folkways Music store opened in 1973, and its cheeky slogan 'Real Music in a Sea of Shit' was famous for its specialist catalogue of recordings, music books and musical instruments. In 1974, he established the independent Larrikin Record label. After selling Larrikin to Festival Records in 1993, he became Deputy MD of the Festival Mushroom Group. The Australasian Sound Recordings Association presented him with its Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015, estimating he had been responsible for releasing over 800 Australian albums.Considered one of Australia's foremost cultural historians, he has been honoured with the Order of Australia, Advance Australia Award, Judith Hosier Golden Gumleaf Award for lifetime services to the bush ballad, The Australasian Sound Recording Association's Lifetime Achievement Award, the Prime Minister's Centenary Medal and, in 2010, Australia's highest award for lifetime achievement in music, The Don Banks Music Award. He is a sometimes singer, actor, filmmaker and storyteller. He prefers to say he is a graduate of the Dingo University. Read More Read Less

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Hair Past A Freckle34 % NR
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20 Jun 2024
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Big Fat Book of Aussie Jokes7 % NR
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01 Aug 2007
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