Walt Fritz

Walt FritzWalt Fritz is a physical therapist from Upstate New York, USA. Since beginning work as a manual therapy educator in the mid-1990s, he has more recently evolved into teaching a unique interpretation of manual therapy for speech-language pathology, voie, and related communities. This approach advances views of causation and impact from historical tissue-specific models into a multifactorial narrative, leaning heavily on biopsychosocial influences. Using a model of evaluation and intervention that incorporates shared decision-making rather than clinician-as-expert, his principles apply to a broad spectrum of intervention models. Seeing the utility of manual therapy not as a standalone treatment but as an integral part of clinicians' more extensive body of work, Walt makes his approach easily assimilated into those treatment protocols.Walt teaches internationally to speech-language pathologists, voice professionals, massage therapists, physical therapists, and other clinicians through his Foundations in Manual Therapy Seminars, www.WaltFritz.com. He maintains a physical therapy practice in Lima, NY. Read More Read Less

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Manual Therapy for Voice and Swallowing - A Person-Centered ApproachNR
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