Vyacheslav LikhachevThe author: Vyacheslav Likhachev holds a Master's degree from the Jewish University in Moscow. He taught Jewish studies at Moscow State University and the Kyiv Mohyla Academy, and worked as a researcher for the Panorama Centre, Anti-Defamation League and Moscow Bureau for Human Rights. Likhachev is the author of numerous scholarly papers and newspaper articles on the Russian extreme right as well of Natsizm v Rossii (Nazism in Russia, 2002). He has been editor for the bulletin Antisemitizm i ksenofobiya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii (Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia in the Russian Federation) and journal Evrei Evrazii (Jews of Eurasia), as well as of a two-volume study of Russkoe Natsional'noe Edinstvo (Russian National Unity, 2005). He currently serves as editor for the Evroaziatskiy evreiskiy ezhegodnik (Euro-Asian Jewish Yearbook) and a history program on the Ukrainian Inter TV Channel.The translator and editor: Eugene Veklerov, PhD, is a mathematician born in Russia. He has been with the University of California's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory since 1977. Read More Read Less
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