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Vita Du Preez

Vita Du PreezVita du Preez is an author and translator of contemporary romantic fiction. She is a proud member of ROSA (Romance Wrtier's Organisation of South Africa). Her Afrikaans novels have been successfully published in South Africa for the past thirty year. During this time she has aslo translated numerous Mills&Boon and Harlequin titles into Afrikaans which proved very popular with romance readers. Vita has now decided to venture into the English market. Currently she is hard at work translating her Sapphire Trilogy into English. The Classroom is the first to appear and Educating Emma and Love Lessons will follow in due course. Vita writes about contemporary topics which interes open-minded, modern readers. Her female characters are independant, strong-minded women who can fight their own battles. Her male charcters want to protect them because they are precious and not because they are weak. Vita enjoys writing romantic fiction, because she believes in the power of love. She lives with her husband in the coastal town, Strand, in the Western Cape, South Africa. Befriend Vita du Preez on Facebook if you enjoy her stories. Read More Read Less

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Classroom12 % NR
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11 Oct 2022
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