Virginia E Berry

Virginia E BerryVirginia E. Berry is a multi-disciplinary artist and writer. She grew up building forts in the woods, canoeing, learning about nature, and racing bikes around gravel roads, in a rural neighborhood, on a lake, in Minnesota. Berry now resides in St. Jon's, NL, with her husband, two adventurous daughters, three friendly cats, and a menagerie of wild birds at the feeder.Berry's vision is to create a series of picture books that are whimsical, beautifully illustrated, yet introduce young people to STEM fields and STEM heroines.Berry has a BA from Skidmore College in Political Science, Spanish, and International Affairs. She has also studied at La Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Berry has enough collected skills and hobbies to be considered a Renaissance woman. Sea Stars and Mermaid's Purses is her sophomore picture book in her well-liked Armchair Adventure Club Collection: adventure stories for young people, pre-K - grade 6; to encourage curiosity, exploration, and learning new skills. The collection features diverse girls from around the world, on real-life adventures, lived by the author and friends. These books appeal to curious, armchair adventurers and citizen scientists alike. Read More Read Less

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Sea Stars and Mermaid's Purses22 % NR
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21 Sep 2024
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Long Walk22 % NR
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17 Oct 2023
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