Violet Wallace

Violet WallaceBishop Violet Wallace was born in Jamaica, the sixth child of seven, and was sent to live with her aunt at an early age. During that stay, Bishop realized she had a gift she did not quite understand. As she grew older, she understood that there was aspiritual call on her life. In 1990, she emigrated to the U.S. and attended the Bronxwood International Church of God in Bronx, New York, under the spiritual guidance of Pastor Quarrie, whose spiritual wisdom helped to shape her life. She had such a passion for souls that she started evangelizing on the train while going to and from work. After seeing herself in a casket for three consecutive weeks, she went to church one Sunday night, and while standing at the pulpit waiting for prayer, she literally died. The ministry leaders prayed for her, she revived, and went home. Through her near death experience, she discovered firsthand God's resurrecting power.After Bishop's deliverance, the group Intercessor for Christ was born, and she opened her home on Monday nights to strangers, praying for their deliverance, and also went to the homes of those who requested prayer and deliverance. In 1999, Bishop was called by God to start her ministry, and in 2001, Faith in Action Deliverance Ministries was officially incorporated. Her first service was held in her basement with seven attendees. As the ministry grew, the church moved to 237th Street in the Bronx, soon surpassing her expectations. In 2004, she opened Faith in Action Deliverance International Ministries in Spanish Town, Jamaica, and subsequently established ministries in Charleston, South Carolina, and Birmingham, England. Her ongoing work is demonstrated in the Holy Spirit, teaching the undiluted word of God as she operates in the five-fold ministry.Bishop Wallace is a no-nonsense, down to earth, loving, and compassionate person who will go to the ends of the earth to minister the word of Jesus Christ to a dying world. She has a fervent desire to lead God's people, and she is an energetic preacher who has inspired, informed, instructed, enthused, convicted, and changed the hearts of many people to give their lives to Jesus Christ. Being a motivator, advisor, coach, mentor, teacher, pastor, visionary, and so much more, Bishop Wallace has truly made a lasting impression on the community and the generations to come. Like Paul, she encourages all to be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because their labor is not in vain.Faith In Action Deliverance Ministries was built on foundational prayers and Intercessory for Christ. Today, it has over 300 members and a multitude of churches. Bishop Wallace once said, I love to pray for the church and individuals, and for this cause, God poured his spirit in and upon me, thus causing her to become the mouthpiece of God, with an anointing to set the captives free. Read More Read Less

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