Victoria Ruiz Méndez

Victoria Ruiz MéndezDr. M. Victoria Ruiz-Méndez is doctor in Chemistry and specialized in fats and oils research. She has been affiliated to the Instituto de la Grasa of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) since 1989 as responsible for the Pilot Plants, ad leader of the research group "Modifications of Lipids in Foods" to study changes in lipid composition and chemical transformations of lipids during processing and storage of fats, oils and other foods.
She has participated in a large number of projects, founded by both public and private entities, being the Main Researcher in 30 of them, with nearly 100 national and international publications, included book chapters, as well as a patent in operation.
She contributes a solid experience in scientific and technological research, highlighting:
- The characterization and refining of special oils and optimization of the refining process, as well as the development of advanced analytical methodology for the evaluation and control of refined oils and their changes during the process.
- Use of by-products originated in the refining process, such as deodorization distillates.
-The development of advanced analytical methodology for the evaluation of the quality of refined oils and their changes during the process and their food applications, that combines chromatographic adsorption and exclusion techniques to determine, with simplicity and accuracy, bioactive and compounds of thermal, oxidative and hydrolytic degradation.
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Dietary Lipids: Nutritional and Technological Aspects10 % NR
Publisher: Elsevier Science
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01 Aug 2023
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