Victor Hepburn Small

Victor Hepburn SmallA proud, but humble man, Victor Hepburn Small had a keen sense of humor and extremely kind nature. Born on May 28th, 1924, he was a true Saskatchewan prairie boy. "Vic" became Lieutenant Small, a Canadian WWII Veteran who served with the Royal ReginaRifles and the Calgary Highlanders in Europe during the years 1943 to 1946. Prior to his service, Vic was raised by a loving and resourceful family as they endured the hardships wrought by the Great Depression of the 1930's. Still, Vic became a King Scout, was an avid amateur photographer, and passionate lover of the prairie skies, chokecherry berries and jam, blue cowbell blossoms and the Western Red Lilly, mixed farming, and the Qu'Appelle Valley. Following his service as an infantryman and flamethrower, Vic returned to North America to earn doctorates in Optometry and Experimental Psychology and made Bethesda Maryland his home. As years passed, he was known as a beloved husband, father, stepfather, grandfather, great-grandfather, and uncle. Vic lived until a month before his 97th birthday, and left behind a story that, in his words, "Is a story worth telling." Read More Read Less

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We Lived In Danger24 % NR
Publisher: Joanne Wolf Small
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30 Oct 2023
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We Lived In Danger23 % NR
Publisher: Joanne Wolf Small
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30 Jun 2023
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