Vicki Armitage

Vicki ArmitageVicki Armitage was the owner of Vicki's Dance Centers and saw thousands of aspiring dancers come through her doors, many who moved on to become dancers on Broadway, in film, at theme parks, and in dance ministries throughout the world. Many won natioal and international titles. She was a featured guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show and attended Harvard Business School.As a writer, Vicki was selected through juried admission four times to participate in Aspen Words, a prestigious literary festival. She was also published in Chicken Soup for the Soul.Vicki enjoyed her time as a member of the Fairhope Writer's Group and has published stories in their anthologies and guides.Her community of Fairhope, Alabama is rich with creatives, always providing an encounter that leaves her grateful for the journey that brought her there. Her children, Kelly and Robby, along with her grandchildren, Ashlee, Madeline, Jillian, and Jack are sources of joy as they pursue their unconventional lives. Read More Read Less

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05 Aug 2024
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