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Vedika Luthra

Vedika LuthraVedika Luthra was born in India, raised in Poland (where she attended an American school), and then moved to the Netherlands, where she is currently pursuing postgraduate studies. Her unique background has shaped her experiences in the kitchen Passionate about food from an early age, Vedika started her food blog Hot Chocolate Hits when she was fourteen. Her first videos were her favorite recipes, such as classic brownies, lemon cake, and coconut cake. A year after she began posting videos, she was recruited by food video network Tastemade as one of their network partners on YouTube. With their help and her dedication, Hot Chocolate Hits amassed a following, hungry for recipes such as mango cheesecake and chocolate chip cookie lava cakes. In 2015, her recipe for no-bake Oreo bars was one of the first videos on their "Sweeten" page to go viral, amassing 36 million views in the first year. She has since combined her passion for photography, video, and baking into an inviting and popular channel, Hot Chocolate Hits. In addition to her passion for food and photography, Vedika also enjoys writing and has written about food for several publications including Food52, Spoon University, and more.

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52 Weeks, 52 Sweets24 % NR
Publisher: Mango Media
5.0 (4)
09 Nov 2021
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