Vanessa Evetts

Vanessa EvettsVanessa Evetts is a passionate, adventurous, people loving Kiwi from New Zealand. She has enjoyed the incredible privilege of a beautiful marriage of two decades; of three energetic and healthy children; of immersing herself in culture across the word and being able to build a career weaving magic with words. She is real-talker who's not afraid of the 'ugly bits' and is willing to have difficult conversations and broach taboo topics both on the page and in real life with grace and love.She was introduced to the profound power of fiction books to infiltrate the dark places and reach reader's hearts in stealth mode in her teen and early years of marriage reading Francine Rivers and Bryce Courtenay.Vanessa is passionate about creating books that will inspire, uplift and encourage women to life full, passionate and joy-filled lives post trauma and tragedy. Her books are gritty, raw, and heart-wrenching at times, they are also full of suspense, romance, adventure and hope. Read More Read Less

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Scars with Sharp EdgesNR
Publisher: Avantgate Ltd
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23 Nov 2021
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Beautiful FragmentsNR
Publisher: Avantgate Ltd
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13 Nov 2018
International Edition
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