Tupper F Cawsey

Tupper F CawseyTupper F. Cawsey is professor emeritus of Business, Wilfrid Laurier University. He served as editor, Case Research Journal, for the North American Case Research Association. He has served on several boards of directors and was chair,Lutherwood Board from 2003-2008. Tupper was recognized nationally in 2001 as one of Canada's top five business professors by receiving the Leaders in Management Education award, sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the National Post. He is also the 1994 recipient of the David Bradford Educator Award, presented by the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, and the 1990 Wilfrid Laurier University "Outstanding Teacher Award."
Tupper created the Case Track for the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, a peer review process for cases. He is author or coauthor of over six books and monographs including, Toolkit for Organizational Change--1st Edition, Canadian Cases in Human Resource Management, Cases in Organizational Behaviour, and several monographs including Control Systems in Excellent Canadian Companies and the Career Management Guide. Tupper has over 50 refereed journal and conference publications. In 2005, he received the Christiansen Award from the Kaufman Foundation and the North American Case Research Association (NACRA), and in 2007 his case, "Board Games at Lutherwood," won the Directors College Corporate Governance Award and the Bronze Case Award at the NACRA Conference. In 2009, his case, "NuComm International," won the Gold Case Award at the NACRA Conference.
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