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Trixxi Tellings

Trixxi TellingsTrixxi is late up and coming in the writing world. Her writing started in middle school with poetry and short stories. Life takes a toll on the youth, which left Trixxi abandoning the writing she cherished the most. Recent tragedy in her life had tured her world gray, however, the magic of a great story would change her future. Trixxi sat down and wrote out a plot, characters, and a storyline and the rest was history. Her writings are for those who have imagination beyond this world. She hopes to spread her own creativity to you, the readers, the real people. Her writings are as unique as her personal story. She shares her journey beside a wife and her daughter. Her family is the inspiration for her entire existence. Trixxi Tellings puts her soul into her writings and she truly hopes you enjoy each piece. The readers are the source of imagination and the stories we tell our children. Read More Read Less

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