Tristen WillisTristen grew up in Newcastle, Australia. Her love of writing began in her early teens. She kept a journal as a teenager and often wrote short stories. Tristen has always had a love for creative writing and young adult fantasy genres. During high schol she could often be found in the Young Adult section of her local library as she was, and still is, an avid reader. Tristen has been influenced by many authors over the years; however her main inspiration was, and still is J. K. Rowling. J. K. Rowling has not only been an inspiration to Tristen as a writer but she has been a role model to her since she was a young teen. Tristen graduated high school and after completing her Certificate III in Injury Management she now works as a case manager in insurance managing highly demanding, long term claims of both physical and psychological injuries. Aside from working full time as a case manager, Tristen also manages a small business creating candles that are inspired by characters from books and sells these online. This small business has allowed Tristen to channel her inner creativeness as well as learn how to manage and market a small business and the aspects of marketing on social media. Tristen began writing what would be her debut novel, The Genesi Code, when she was twenty-one years old after the idea for The Genesi Code came to her in a dream. Read More Read Less
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