Traci Konas

Traci KonasTraci Konas is a registered nurse with 12 years of experience in the emergency department. After 2 years of working in the ER during COVID, she got burned out and started working in different units; GI lab, circulating in several types of ORs (operatng room), PACU (recovery), Pre-op, IR (interventional radiology), and clinics. Before that, she was a Machinist, an Advanced Commercial Diver/Hyperbaric Paramedic, a Firefighter/EMTII, a Personal Trainer, and she has four college degrees: Associates of Oceaneering, Associates of Fire Science, Associates of Science, Associates of Nursing, and a Minor in Psychology. She graduated with honors (gold cords) for all her degrees. In commercial diving school she graduated top of the class, and in the fire academy She tied for the top of the class. She somehow did all this while working full-time. She has won tournaments in women's boxing and competed and trained at the Olympic level. She is also a pilot with the intention of leaving nursing to fly for the fire department. She is part of the Women in Aviation 99's Organization and has written and won a grant for a female wanting to learn to fly. She has always been an advocate and a fighter for her friends, family, and patients. She believes deeply in doing the right thing. Read More Read Less

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Survive the Hospital, Be Your Own Advocate, Don't Get Neglected27 % NR
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